the plan to revisit every interview that twenty one pilots ever had

So what i'm going to do is using YouTube audio tools or other online tools to work out the transcript of these interviews, and i post these text on this blog.

The experience of editing Chinese Wikipedia really got me wanting to organize every interview the band ever had. And I know a lot of fans not speaking native English language may have difficulty recognizing what they are saying. So what i'm going to do is using YouTube audio tools or other online tools to work out the transcript of these interviews, and i post these text on this blog. Not as posts but pages. and there will be a standalone page listing every interview and whether there has been a transcript made for it.

i have been thinking about this for some time now and i'm confident i have the ability to do this project. note i'm not going to do subtitles - it's a breach of copyright for me and i don't really think the time spent on this form is not worth it and it's not good to look back and look up for something. i plan to do it weekly, and post them on the weekends. there will be a deepl translated Chinese version, but it won't be where most of the time spent because making a Chinese translation is not the point here. i will try to allow volunteers do these work though - multi-language translation.



我已经想了一段时间了,我有信心我有能力做这个项目.注意,我不会做字幕--这对我来说是违反版权的,而且我真的不认为花在这个形式上的时间不值得,而且回过头来找也不好找。我计划每周做一次,周末发布。会有一个deepl翻译的中文版,但我不会ba大部分时间花在这里,因为做中文翻译不是重点。不過我会尽量让志愿者做这些工作 - 多语言翻译。


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