Here comes the war where fans tries to clear Joseph's name
It's not ideal. And it may seem like the world is falling apart with hate and distrust. But it's important to remember that Twitter is a more conservative place than the real world, and we shouldn't believe what's on it. Let's not lose hope.
Following @Dark1Pilots observation about the "tyler joseph racist" Twitter search suggestions, Clikkie Jumble, Bandito Hub & Dark1Pilots encouraged fans to post tweets like,
tyler joseph loved
tyler joseph talented
tyler joseph radiant
Some people are upset about this. Some tries to trend "tyler joseph racist", others post screenshot of Ashley Dun's previous likes about a tweet calling out Joseph. And one tweet simply reposting Joseph's platform tweet got 1k+ likes in 5 hours.
At 17:00 ET (UTC-5) on 6th, "tyler joseph" is trending on Twitter with 1466 tweets talking about him. At 2:00 ET (UTC-5) on 7th, "tyler joseph" has been trending on Twitter for 10 hours, with 6043 tweets talking about him. As I am writing this (7:00 in US), "tyler joseph" has been trending for more than 14 hours with 8127 tweets talking about him.

And if Joseph fans' goal was to clear his name, it is failing for now. Even though for a short while, the suggestions were "cleared" with the above phrases, at 7:00, the search suggestions doesn't look better, if not worse. First two suggestions are "tyler joseph racist" and "tyler joseph homophobic".

It's not ideal. And it may seem like the world is falling apart with hate and distrust. But it's important to remember that Twitter is a more conservative place than the real world, and we shouldn't believe what's on it. Let's not lose hope.
在@Dark1Pilots观察到 "泰勒约瑟夫种族主义者 "的推特搜索建议后,Clikkie Jumble、Bandito Hub与Dark1Pilots鼓励粉丝发布推文,比如。
有些人对此很不满。有人试图趋势 "泰勒-约瑟夫种族歧视",有人发阿什利-邓之前点赞一条骂约瑟夫的推特的截图。而一条简单转发约瑟夫「問題推文」的推文在5个小时内获得了1k+的赞。
美国东部时间(UTC-5)6日17:00,"泰勒-约瑟夫 "在推特上的热门话题,有1466条推文谈论他。美国东部时间(UTC-5)7日2:00,"tyler joseph "在Twitter上的热门话题已经持续了10个小时,有6043条推文在谈论他。在我写这篇文章的时候(美国时间7点),"tyler joseph "已经在推特上流行了14个多小时,有8127条推文在谈论他。
而如果说约瑟夫粉丝的目标是为他洗白,那么目前已经失败了。7点,搜索建议看起来并没有好转,甚至更糟。前两个建议是 "泰勒-约瑟夫种族歧視 "和 "泰勒-约瑟夫恐同"。
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