Mr and Mrs Dun take Christmas photos with Lil Dun
Josh posted images from the Christmas photo shoot with his wife Debby and his son Jim.
Josh posted images from the Christmas photo shoot with his wife Debby and his son Jim. He wrote,
merry christmas from us to you. what an intense year this has been but we’re wishing you the best on this day
By the way, his son looks amazing. Some may even say he stole the show.

邓先生和邓太太与 Lil Dun 一起拍圣诞照
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Twenty One Pilots 计划在哥伦布开设一家名叫「Ned's Bayou」的快闪店
据《Columbus Dispatch》报道,Twenty One Pilots 打算在俄亥俄州哥伦布开设一家名叫「Ned's Bayou」的快闪店,店内将会销售乐队周边。按照计划,乐队会在 6 月 29 日和 30 日在哥伦布 Nationwide Arena 剧场举办《匪帮巡演》。而这家店会从 28 日、29 日和 30 日一共开放三天。根据推友 @callformybones 提供的照片,店铺的标牌和内部装潢以蓝绿色为主色调。
Inside pictures of the pop up shop in Columbus.
Via @callformybones pic.twitter.
twenty one pilots 将在 5/29 开售《Level of Concern》系列周边产品
多个迹象显示乐队将在 5/29 周五开售《Level of Concern》系列周边产品。
Ned Funko 公仔已经上线 Ned Bayou 网店
Ned Funko 公仔已经上线 Ned Bayou 网店,售价 $18。可直邮中国,可使用外币信用卡支付。美国本土邮费是 $7,寄到中国的邮费是 $13。