一周新闻回顾:SiriusXM 访问,英国签名活动和演出,Josh Dun 加入 13 周年,墨西哥城和南美演出宣布
SiriusXM 电台访问
SiriusXM 电台 Morning MashUp 节目对乐队的访问在 5 月 6 日晚八点(美东早八点)播出。(访问影片见此)访问内容主要是闲聊和关于 Joseph 的家庭生活,但是主持人有提到他们听完《Clancy》专辑以后最喜欢的一首歌是《Midwest Indigo》。
乐队的第四场发专前小型演出在墨西哥首都墨西哥城 LUNARIO DEL AUDITORIO NACIONAL礼堂举行,日期为 5 月 14 日。
订票需要向乐队的 Instagram账号私信“RETURN”。没有看到 Twitter 有人分享购票问题。
I know we’re able to do whatever we want to, but in my opinion, at least for these small shows, we better let this only for the locals.
— clancyupdating (@clancyupdating) May 8, 2024
Taking off the opportunity for Mexicans to attend this is a bad idea, considering Mexico doesn’t have tour dates. pic.twitter.com/pDQxhun3ZU
— twenty one pilots (@twentyonepilots) May 8, 2024
乐队庆祝 Josh Dun 加入 13 周年
当地时间 5 月 8 日,Joseph 在 Twitter 上面庆祝了 Josh Dun 加入乐队 13 周年。
today marks 13 years playing music together.
— tyler jøseph (@tylerrjoseph) May 8, 2024
here’s us posing in front of our first backdrop. pic.twitter.com/hHcDHLBvXK
同一天,Josh Dun 也在 Instagram 庆祝了这个纪念日。
Clancy 世界巡演南美站日程公布
5 月 8 日,有人发现 Clancy 世界巡演的海报出现在南美的告示牌上。次日,南美的巡演日程正式公布,乐队定于 2025 年初在南美进行 Clancy 世界巡演。
The #ClancyWorldTour is coming to Latin America, our first headlining tour through South America and Mexico. Go to https://t.co/3TvU8gbUWY for info and artist presale access. pic.twitter.com/7DArT2ZAHY
— twenty one pilots (@twentyonepilots) May 9, 2024
英国 HMV 签名活动
周四 5 月 9 日英国小型演出前,乐队在 HMV 唱片店现场签售卡片。参与者需要事先在 HMV 在 Twitter 上面发布的链接当中报名。
TYLER SAYING HE KNOWS ME AND THEN WRITING MY NAME OUT WITH A HEART 😭😭😭😭😭😭 thank you so so much @tylerrjoseph pic.twitter.com/zbG0VN5keE
— evie Ψ (@softestbandito) May 9, 2024
they were great!! josh very sweet we had such a polite and professional almost interaction of “hi how are you” :) tyler complimented my blurryface shirt !! :) pic.twitter.com/mo8nNdZKzk
— aims ψ met the pilots (@mxlberryyst) May 9, 2024
很多人都在网上分享了签名活动的良好经历,说 Tyler Joseph & Dun 都很友好很礼貌。但也有人说自己讲话时被 Josh Dun 忽略了。(很多人在现场偷偷拍下了照片或者影片,比如 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
另外有人在签名活动当中对 Joseph 提到了 Simone Weil 的名字,Joseph 停下签名,看向她然后让她重新说一遍。(Simone Weil 是法国的作家,也是 André Weil 的姐姐/妹妹,最近有很多人发现了她的信件跟 Clancy 日记的关联性。)
At a recent signing with fans, Tyler acknowledged Simone Weil, a French writer and philosopher who was the sister of André Weil, a member of the Nicolas Bourbaki mathematician group. While nothing is totally confirmed, it's worth looking into. pic.twitter.com/bmWzn9KIav
— discord clique (@DiscordClique) May 9, 2024
- We figured out Vialism (It's weilism) - Reddit
- Bourbaki and TØP : East is up - neverendingbooks
- The Answer to Everything | Twenty One Pilots - YouTube
- Simone Weil Thread - Discord
乐队在 5 月 9 日进行了发专前的第三场小型演出,位于伦敦 Electric Ballroom 剧场。演出当中,Joseph 在演唱《Tear in My Heart》这首歌时穿了这首歌 MV 当中的衬衫,但是因为身材的变化,现在穿着更加紧了。台下观众大喊让他脱掉。Joseph 回应说,如果 Josh 记得下一首歌的歌词,他就把衣服脱掉。
THE INFAMOUS TIMH SHIRT pic.twitter.com/dGlwOajBCM
— lys (@JOSHESCULT) May 9, 2024
这场演出加入了《Vessel》的一首歌曲《Screen》。但最让人惊喜的是,在此之后 Joseph 首度演唱了新专辑尚未发表的歌曲《The Craving (Jenna's Version)》。
附上 Bing Chat 对于歌词的理解:
The lyrics you’ve shared seem to express a deep sense of longing and introspection. Here’s a breakdown of some of the themes and emotions conveyed in the song:
Verse 1 & 2: The speaker is reflecting on their own behavior, noting that overthinking leads to less communication. There’s a recurring theme of “craving,” which could symbolize a strong desire for connection or understanding. The line “Now I see intentions don’t mean much” suggests a realization that despite good intentions, actions (or the lack thereof) speak louder.
Chorus: The repetition of “Say enough, say enough” and “Did I let her know, let her know” indicates a worry about whether they’ve communicated their feelings adequately. The imagery of being “in chains” could represent feeling trapped or restricted, possibly by their own emotions or circumstances. The hope that “she looks for me” implies a desire to be sought after or valued by someone else.
Outro: The outro touches on the “fear of the unknown,” which can be paralyzing and affect one’s actions. The speaker doesn’t want to burden “her” with their issues but promises to contribute positively rather than take away.
Overall, the song seems to deal with the complexities of communication and the human desire to be understood and cared for. It’s about the internal struggle between wanting to express oneself and the fear of being vulnerable. The “craving” mentioned throughout the song could be a metaphor for this need for emotional connection and validation.