twenty one pilots "Next Semester" and tour dates seemingly leaked on twitter

Twitter user @15398642_190277 leaked what sounds like the band’s next single on Twitter at 12:41 am eastern time, Mar. 25. first he posted two audio clips from the song, then proceeded to post a Dropbox link.

The tweet didn’t get taken down even after 12 hours, but because of large traffic to Dropbox, the link (dead link) became inactive after a while. The authenticity of the material was likely proven after TikTok and YouTube copyrighted the audio and labeled it with the song name.

Then at 12 pm, Mar. 26, the account started posting the band’s locations and dates of their next tour “Clancy World Tour”.

It’s suspicious how he said “love you guys” in the tweet, and some users even suspected Tyler Joseph himself is posting these leaks. (Which doesn’t really make sense.) Mostly likely someone working at the radio station who got ahold of these material leaked them.

Then at 12:49 pm, Reel Bear Media posted on Twitter denying the audio was leaked by any of the band accounts. “when things end up or sound real that's just because we have to send assets to thousands of people to make things happen. some of them will get that stuff and take advantage of you.”

He is not saying the track is real or only sounded real, but it’s pointing to someone in the music producing or packaging process who got their hands on this track or a half finished track.

After this, @15398642_190277 deactivated after saying “sorry Mark”.

I suppose in this situation they will release the track officially prior to their original date, perhaps even today March 27. But one reason they might not do this is if they are not ready for the music video to release yet, considering the video was only shot over a week ago? It’s possible it’s still being edited or not cleared to be published yet. If that is the case then this could mess up with their release schedule.