LOC "never-ending music video" has ended
Dec 16: Josh has officially pulled the plug on the server that powers the "never-ending music video" that has been playing on twenty one pilots' YouTube channel for 178 days, displaying fan uploaded images and videos. The official reason for unplugging is that Josh wanted to plug in his Christmas tree and didn't have more slots on the wall.
for the last 178 days fans have been generating a never-ending music video for Level of Concern. well, we thought it was never going to end. pic.twitter.com/FxoZVg2qi5
— twenty one pilots (@twentyonepilots) December 16, 2020
Side note: didn't know servers look this small these days. I thought they were big enough to put in a cabinet or some sort. Also Josh's acting was awkward as always.
Side note 2: I bet you the real location of the server is on one of Mark's cloud servers.
LOC "永不停止的音乐影片 "已经结束。
12月16日消息:乔什已经正式拔掉了为 "永不停止的音乐影片 "提供动力的服务器的插头,这个视频已经在二十一位飞行员的YouTube频道上播放了178天,展示了粉丝上传的图片和视频。拔掉插头的官方原因是,乔希想插上他的圣诞树,墙上没有更多的插槽。